Privacy Policy




Effective Date: 5/17/21

Getaways, Inc., on behalf of itself, its affiliates (see “Other Definitions”), and its subsidiaries (collectively “Getaways” or “us”), recognizes that your privacy is important to you.  We are committed to protecting the privacy of information and data collected about our clients and prospective clients (collectively referred to herein as “clients”, “you”, or “your”).  At Getaways, it is our intention to provide you with an understanding about how we may use or share certain information that you provide to us or that we collect automatically when you use any of the Services (as defined below), and the steps we take that are designed to keep that information secure. This Corporate Privacy Statement (“Privacy Policy”) explains how we collect, use, and share personal information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer, household, or device (“Personal Information”), through your use of any of our websites including

(“the Websites”), and also via your interactions with us, including when you establish an account with us, buy any product or service from us, when you enter a sweepstakes or contest provided by us, when you participate in surveys or answer questions about our service, when you purchase a product or service from us, when you search or browse a Website, when you make a reservation with us, when you interact with us by writing or emailing us, or when you interact with us on our website or on social media platforms (collectively, the Websites and any interactions with us are the “Services”).  This Privacy Policy also explains how you may instruct us to limit the disclosure of certain information about you.

Personal Information Collected

The Personal Information we collect and the ways in which it is used will vary depending on the product or service involved.  Such Personal Information can include information we receive directly from you, indirectly from you, from our corporate affiliates, and from our third-party service providers.  Such Personal Information can include your name, street address, social security number, phone numbers, email address, banking information, annual income information, drivers license information, credit card numbers, account balance, transaction history, credit score, credit history, and payment history.  We may also collect Personal Information we receive about your transactions with third-parties and information from a consumer reporting agency.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We may use your Personal Information for our everyday business purposes, such as to process your transactions and provide you with a product or service you request, maintain your account, respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus.   We may also use your Personal Information for our marketing purposes, to offer our products and services to you.

Current Clients:

We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates:

  • For our everyday business purposes, such as to process your transactions and provide you with a product or service you request, maintain your account, respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus.
  • For our marketing purposes to offer our products and services to you.
  • For our everyday business purposes, such as information about our transactions or experiences with you, and as otherwise permitted by law (information shared to our affiliates about your creditworthiness for everyday business or marketing purposes is subject to the opt out provision below).
  • For everyday business purposes, SMS/Text Opt-in information will not be shared with any third-party vendors, providers, or suppliers.

Non Clients:

We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, third-party service providers, and nonaffiliated third-parties:

  • For our everyday business purposes, such as to process your transactions and provide you with a product or service you request, maintain your account, respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus.
  • For our marketing purposes to offer our products and services to you.
  • To our third-party service providers, including companies that provide marketing and sales services on our behalf, companies that process or service your accounts, and companies that help us secure your information (all such third-party service providers are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your information and only use your information for the purposes specified by us)
  • For our everyday business purposes, such as information about our transactions or experiences with you, and as otherwise permitted by law (information shared to our affiliates about your creditworthiness for everyday business or marketing purposes is subject to the opt out provision below).
  • For our third-parties to market to you (subject to the opt out provision below).

E-mail communications

You may be offered the opportunity to receive via e-mail news, special offers, and promotions regarding products and services offered by Getaways. We hope you will find these items interesting and informative.  In fact, we may use your travel preferences and experiences to share customized advertisements, updates and promotions that include our recommendations to you about travel specials.

Use of cookies

Like many websites, our Websites and Services may use “cookies” to improve your use of the Websites, for example by saving your preferences.  Cookies do not provide individual identities unless you have specifically chosen to do so, nor does accepting a cookie provide access to your computer in any way. We also use cookies to determine which areas of the Websites are popular and which are not. Most browsers (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, by refusing cookies, some services provided on many websites, including our websites, may not function properly.

Use of Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses

Getaways may collect IP addresses for the purposes of system administration, to report aggregated information to our business partners, and to audit the use of our websites.  When users request pages from our websites, our servers log the user’s IP addresses.  We do not normally link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that a user’s session will be logged, but the user will remain anonymous to us.  We can and will use IP addresses to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with the terms of use or terms of service of our websites or to protect our service, site, users or others.

External links

Should you hyperlink or be directed to other third-party websites that are beyond our control and/or outside of our service (“External Sites”) by “clicking” on a hyper-link, banner advertisement or a search result, you may be transferred off our websites and to an External Site. Once you link to an External Site and leave our websites, your interaction with such an External Sites will not be governed by our Privacy Policy. These External Sites may have separate privacy and data collection practices, and security measures and may send their own cookies, collect data, or solicit Personal Information for their own use. We do not control such External Sites, and, therefore, are not responsible for the content thereof or the hyperlinks or advertising they choose to place thereon.  We encourage you to contact these third-parties to inquire about their terms of use, privacy practices, policies and security measures before disclosing any Personal Information on such External Sites.

Steps we take to secure your Personal Information

The security of all information associated with users of our websites is an important concern to us.  We exercise reasonable care in providing secure transmission of your information from your computer to our servers; however, we do not control transmissions or traffic over the Internet or through third-party communication service providers and we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of such transmission of your information.  Your use of the Internet and our websites, including your transmission of information to us is at your own risk, as perfect security does not exist on the Internet; however, once we receive your information, we use industry standard efforts designed to safeguard your information, such as firewalls and Secure Socket Layers. We use strict standards of security and confidentiality designed to protect Personal Information.  Only employees who are properly trained and need your Personal Information to perform their jobs are authorized to access to your Personal Information.  Reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards have been put in place to keep your Personal Information safe.

Children’s Policy

You have to be at least eighteen (18) years old to transact with us.  We do not knowingly accept Personal Information from children thirteen (13) and under.  Please notify us if you believe we have accepted Personal Information from children thirteen (13) and under.  If we discover a child whom we know to be thirteen (13) or under sends Personal Information to us, we will remove that Personal Information from our database.

Notice of Your Personal Information and Your Rights – California Residents

To exercise the right to opt-out, you (or your authorized representative) may submit a request to us by visiting the following Internet Web page link: Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Opting Out of the Sharing of Your Personal Information


If you prefer that we do not disclose Personal Information about you or information about your creditworthiness to our affiliates for their marketing purposes, you may opt out of these disclosures, that is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than disclosures permitted by law).  If you wish to opt out of disclosures of information about your creditworthiness to our affiliates for their marketing purposes, you may call us toll-free at 1-800-210-5500 (you will be further instructed of your choices at the time of call). When you are no longer our client, we continue to share your information as described in this Privacy Policy.  If you are our client through a joint account with your spouse or another party, an opt-out request by any party to the joint account will apply to all parties. You may also opt out of receiving promotional communications from us. To opt out of receipt of such promotional communications, please call toll-free at 1-800-210-5500.  In the event you change your mind about information that you have provided to us, or if any of your information is out of date, changes or is inaccurate, you may correct, update, or remove such information by contacting us at 1-800-210-5500 or


If you prefer that we do not disclose Personal Information about you to nonaffiliated third-parties (or information about your creditworthiness to our affiliates for their marketing purposes), you may opt out of these disclosures, that is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than disclosures permitted by law).  If you wish to opt out of disclosures to nonaffiliated third-parties (or the disclosure of information about your creditworthiness to our affiliates for their marketing purposes), you may call us toll-free at 1-800-210-5500 (you will be further instructed of your choices at the time of call).  Note that even if you decide to opt-out of having your Personal Information shared, we may still disclose your Personal Information to our affiliates and to third-parties (i) that perform marketing or other services on our behalf; (ii) to protect against fraud, and to protect the security or confidentiality of our records, and (iii) as otherwise permitted or required by law. You may also opt out of receiving promotional communications from us. To opt out of receipt of such promotional communications, please call toll-free at 1-800-210-5500.  In the event you change your mind about information that you have provided to us, or if any of your information is out of date, changes or is inaccurate, you may correct, update, or remove such information by contacting us at 1-800-210-5500 or

Other Definitions

As used in this Privacy Policy, all references to “Getaways” include, specifically, the following members of the Getaways corporate family: Getaways, Inc. Dowd Marketing, Inc. Sundance Vacations, Inc. Sundance Vacations N.A., Inc. Sundance Vacations Network, Inc. Sundance Getaways, Inc. Travel Promotions, Inc. Tri State Financial, Inc.

As used in this Privacy Policy, the term “affiliates” means companies related by common ownership or control, and the term “nonaffiliates” means companies not related by common ownership or control.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice at our discretion and at any time. When we make changes to this privacy notice, we will post the updated notice on our websites and update the notice’s effective date. Your continued use of our websites following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes.

Contacting Getaways

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our websites, or if you would like further information about us, please contact us at

Toll Free Phone: 1-800-210-5500

Phone:  570-820-0900

Postal Address: Getaways Attn: C/O Manager, Customer Experience Department 264 Highland Park Blvd, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702.

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