Sundance Vacations Creates Charity Site
The holiday season is about a number of things. Spending time with loved ones, hosting parties, baking cookies and cooking meals are all just a sample of what we do during this time of year. Though this time of year can become very material possession driven, one of the single most important reasons for the season is, of course, giving back.
The word charity comes from the Latin word “caritas,” which translates to, “an unconditional love for others.” Today charities are designed to provide food, money, volunteer time and much more to the people around the world that need it most.
With that in mind, Sundance Vacations is proud to announce the launching of its newest website. The Sundance Vacations Charities website, which can be found on the web at:
John and Tina Dowd, co-owners of Sundance Vacations, have been giving back to the communities they operate in for decades, but felt that there is always more that can be done. They hope to use the charity site as a way of bringing help and resources to the places that need them the most as well as spreading the word in hopes of getting others involved in giving back.

Sundance Vacations hopes to use the charity site as a way of bringing help and resources to the places that need them the most as well as spreading the word in hopes of getting others involved in giving back.
The website contains a list of charities that the Dowds and Sundance Vacation employees have helped both past and present. You will be able to find information about each of the charities, including what they do and who they help, as well as listings for the locations of the charities. You can check out a list of tweets from the different charities, find links directly to their websites or make a donation directly to them by following the links on the site.
Also included is a letter from the owners, Sundance Vacations social media and company information as well as links to other resources the company has to offer.
John and Tina were recently named “Outstanding Philanthropists” by the Association for Fundraising Professionals. They were honored in conjunction with “National Philanthropy Day” and received their award on November 21, 2014. (Read more about their honor here)
This isn’t the first time, nor will it likely be the last time that the Dowds are honored for their charitable pursuits. Tina Dowd says giving back is an important part of her and her husband’s life. She mentioned that the two live by the adage, “with great blessings comes a great responsibility.”
“We’re amazed by the compassion of the several hundred employees at Sundance Vacations,” Tina Dowd said. “If we had even the smallest part in leading our staff to be more focused on the needs around us, then we have led a blessed life. We encourage not just the people around us, but everyone to get involved. No matter what way you devote part of yourself to a charity, it will be sure to repay you ten-fold when you take a look back at your life.”
The website is now live and ready to be used. Sundance Vacations plans to “feature” and different charity each month at the top of the homepage in order to raise awareness about different topics. The owners have high hopes that the site can blossom into something that can help local charities get more exposure and perhaps, in time, lead to scholarship offerings or handle donation requests.
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