We just posted a new article on our blog to show that Disney World is not just for kids. Here is a little snippet of the article and a link below to take you to the full write-up:

Walt Disney World has been hailed as the happiest place on earth, but it’s not just for the littlest members of the family anymore. Did you know that every year thousands of adults and honeymooners frequent the Magic Kingdom and surrounding parks without kids?

Whether you are planning your own adult vacation, girl getaway, or just a date night out while you are on a big family vacation, Walt Disney World Orlando has exciting nightlife for the 21 and up crowd.

Here at Sundance Vacations we have highlighted for you some of the best shows and nightlife to check out the next time you get some adult downtime at Walt Disney World …

For the full write up, visit the Sundance Vacations Blog.

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