Sundance Vacations Goes Green for Earth Day and Beyond!

As today is Earth Day, which is an important time to remember to take care of our planet, Sundance Vacations is happy to introduce you to another way they we are helping to give back to everyone.

Our CEOs and co-owners, John and Tina Dowd, are well known for their charitable efforts, but today we will be talking about a different type of giving back.  The movement to “Go Green” has been gaining interest, rightfully so, over the last few decades.  More and more we are realizing that if we want to have a place to live, we need to take responsibility for the world that we live in.  Although taking care of our beautiful planet should be an everyday thought, Earth Day is an annual reminder to make sure it is at the forefront of our society.  After all, we only have one Earth.

With that in mind, the Dowds have installed an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at the Sundance Vacations Corporate Headquarters in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  This station is open to the public and will allow users of EVs to charge up in the city of Wilkes-Barre.  So whether you live nearby, or are just passing through, your car can get a boost from this free service offered by Sundance Vacations.

To read more about this station as well as how it was inspired, head over to our Travel Blog to read the article by Jerry Kishbaugh.  “Charge Your Electric Car at Sundance Vacations”

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