TSA Fails Security Tests

Sundance Vacations TSA Failure GraphicRecently the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been in the news for all the wrong reasons.  A number of studies and reviews done over the course of the last few years have been steadily proving there are a lot of gaps and vulnerabilities in the way that the TSA operates.  The most recent of these, in a story broke by ABC News, has shown some staggering results.

In a number of random tests, conducted at busy airports all across the United States, the group known as the “Red Team” were able to smuggle mock weapons and explosives past TSA security checkpoints 67 times out of the 70 attempts they tried.  Which equates to a 95% fail rate.  The Red Team is a part of the Office of the Inspector General and have been testing the way that the TSA has been operating for years.  This was just one in a long line of failures that they have found with the TSA.

Since the news broke, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has taken steps to fix these issues, however it is still unclear as to what those actions are.  Furthermore, the TSA administrator has been relieved of his duties and will be reassigned elsewhere.

To check out the full story about the TSA and their failed security tests, head over to our Travel Blog: “TSA Drops the Ball on Security Tests”

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Russ Hryvnak