As Fuel Costs Decrease, Will Travel Increase?

With Fuel Costs currently declining for the first time in a number of years, will the travel industry benefit from it at all?  More importantly how will it affect the travelers themselves?

Just about one year ago gas prices were nearing a national average of $4.00 a gallon and it seemed that everything from goods to travel costs would continue to rise.  Over the last few months gas prices have decreased substantially and are projected to stay that way for the year of 2015.  The national average, according to, is somewhere around $2.04 per gallon and even lower than that in some specific places in the United States.

The question is will these falling fuel costs give a boost to the travel industry?

The answer is: Most Likely.

AAA reports that 2014 year-end travel was up by at least four percent and is projected to be the highest number since 2001!

To read the full story head over to our blog and check it out:  “Will Falling Gas Prices Fuel Travel?”

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Russ Hryvnak